Below is the list of Iowa Alpha members elected to serve as Cabinet Officers for the 2025 Spring Semester.
The duties of each office are described in the section on Position Information.
The duties of each office are described in the section on Position Information.
Name | Position | NetID |
Samuel Indorante | President | guyindo |
Duy Bui | Vice President | duybui04 |
Laura Santos Correa | Treasurer | lamarri |
Ryan Flaskamp | Corresponding Secretary | rflaskam |
Lucy Gates | Initiation Officer | lagates |
Elijah Goossen | Graduate Initiation Officer | egoossen |
Vacant | Stem Project Officer | |
Vacant | Campus Project Officer | |
Amanda Kufner | Project Officer | akufner |
Tyler Richardson | Project Officer | cubbyty |
Ryan Muetzel | Project Officer | muetzelr |
Vacant | Special Events Officer | |
Charles Frayman | Communications Director | cfrayman |
Vacant | Recording Secretary (Marketing Officer) | |
Aidan Goerdt | Corporate Liasion | agoerdt |
Aspen Fulbright | Chapter Survey Officer (Membership Officer) | atfulbr |
Alexis Feeney | Scholar Program Co-chair | afeeney9 |
Ava Fischer | Scholar Program Co-chair | agfisch |
Vacant | Drawing Board Officer |