The primary duty of the advisors is to provide for continuity of chapter operations. They shall see that the Chapter:
(1) Selects candidates who meet the eligibility requirements of Constitution Article II, the chapter’s bylaws, and the institution’s academic regulations.
(2) Balances its financial accounts and pays all bills by the end of the academic year.
(3) Effects an orderly transition following the election of officers.
The additional duties of the Alumnus Advisors shall be as follows:
- Providing continuity in all areas of Chapter activity, including participation on committees.
- Providing the Registrar’s Office with the list of new members each semester for recognition of Tau Beta Pi membership on their transcripts.
- Ensuring that the chapter is operating in conformity with the standards set forth by Iowa State University and Student Activities Center
- Report to the Executive Director of the Association a receipt from the IRS for the appropriate 990 form as required.