Iowa Governor’s 2021 Volunteer Award


The Iowa Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Pi has been selected to receive a 2021 Iowa Governor’s Volunteer Award. This award recognizes Iowa Alpha’s many years of service to the state through the Adopt-A-Highway program.

The Iowa Governor’s Volunteer Award (GVA) program honors the dedicated people who volunteer their time and talent to help an agency or organization deliver on its mission. Nonprofits, charitable organizations, and government entities (city, county, state, and federal) may recommend an individual volunteer or group of volunteers who directly assisted the organization with a project, event, or activity, for a Governor’s Volunteer Award. Iowa Alpha’s nomination was submitted by Shannon Anderson at the Iowa Department of Transportation.

The Iowa Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Pi was established in 1907 as the nation’s 19th collegiate chapter.  It is the oldest continually active honor society at Iowa State University.

Click this link to watch the Iowa Governor’s Volunteer Awards Virtual Ceremony LIVE online on July 14th on Volunteer Iowa’s YouTube page. The ceremony, including the reception that follows, will last approximately 45 minutes and include remarks from Governor Kim Reynolds, Lt. Governor Adam Gregg and service leaders across Iowa. There is no registration or RSVP required for the virtual ceremony. All are welcome to attend. The ceremony will be freely available to view and share online after the livestream ends for those who cannot make the official time.
